Oh are we having fun! It's hard to believe December is almost over and I have to go back to work this week. I really like my job so that will help but I could easily stay home. Of course I didn't get all my projects done while I was home so that would make it easy to stay home anyway.
We had a great time in Elk Point. I met Erin at Watertown for our first post placement visit. I think it went fine. I got to EP around 3:45 and spent quite a while at my old job. Around 5:15 I headed out to Rahn & Maria's. Jen and Ang and her kids came out, too. Kalla didn't want anything to do with the baby, though. I wish Keely still lived right across the street because we'd have a great babysitter! We ate at Los Amigos and Cara, Jeff, and Matthew came to see us. Maria and I stayed up really late talking and as I went to bed the song "Feels Like Home" kept repeating itself in my ear. Not the town. Just being with my friends. Plus, being in their house reminded me of our house and I really miss it. Murphy must have liked it too because she slept ALL NIGHT! She woke up around 6:15 which wasn't in my plan for the day. I thought she'd wake up around 8:30 or 9:00 and we'd leave right then. Well she fell back asleep before 8:00 and slept until after 10:00. We made one last stop to see Katy and then we were on the road around 11:30. So much for being home by noon! I stopped at Penney's in Sioux Falls and then got myself something to eat at Taco Bell, fed her in the parking lot, and then off to Brookings to see my nieces. We didn't get home until 5:15.
My mom and dad came down on Friday and lent us their glider. We ate dinner here and they spent some time with Murphy. That night I needed to get some stuff done so Rob took her to the basketball game. I told him not to pawn her off on anyone but he said it isn't pawning when people want to hold her.
Saturday I cooked breakfast for the wrestlers and then had my Christmas party that night. It was really fun to be with my coworkers again. Plus there was a hypnotist. I wasn't one of the funny ones up front but I sure laughed a lot! Murphy went to a neighbor's for a little bit until our friends that were going to babysit got home. They said she was really good. I was a little concerned because I know how difficult it can be to get her to bed. Rob spent all day at the tournament and then got to the party during the hypnotist and then we got home around 11:30. Late night, eh?
Monday the 17th we went to Aberdeen. We met Mom and Dad at McDonalds for dinner then I dropped off my car to be serviced. We made a few stops and then went to see Grandma. She just loves Murphy. I think any baby would do. She loves their little tiny feet. All the other people there wanted to see her so we walked around the dining area and showed her to all the ladies. Mom and Dad dropped me off to get my car and the two of us went to the mall, Target, and Walmart. By the time we got home it was like 7:30. My planning just hasn't been as effective as it was pre-Murphy! I thought for sure I'd be home by 5:00!
Thursday was board meeting day at work so I dropped Murphy off at Rob's mom and dad's and went to work. While we were eating dinner I ran to town and brought her back out so everyone could see her. After the board meeting I met Rob at home and we drove to Highmore to see the girls basketball game and all of our friends from there. After the game we went to our friends, Mike and Marilyn, house and didn't get home until 2:15. Good thing Murphy slept at their house and all the way home. But I was sure tired! Friday we had snacks at work so I went in to "work" and eat! :) Murphy went with me and was really good all day. Of course Jill held her for a while and she loved that. Friday night was another good night as she slept for 13 hours straight! And this time it was in her own bed without me being there so it really counted!
Saturday we went to Aberdeen to get Rob's hair cut then met Leroy and Denita, Myah and Landon for dinner. We also saw Santa Claus at the mall. She had just woken up so wasn't overly enthused. But we had to take a picture anyway. Then we came back to town and had Christmas with Rob's dad's side of the family. There was lots of people there and we had fun. Long day though.
I played for church on Sunday and we finished cleaning and wrapped presents.
Monday was Christmas Eve and Allan, Sandy, and Christy came over around 11:00 and we ate, drank some wine, opened presents, and played with Murphy. Murphy really didn't care about the presents but she did like some ribbon on one of the boxes. I had to play for church so as I left, they fed here some cereal and got her dressed for church. Rob and Murphy sat way in the back but I still heard her when she decided she was hungry! We got done and were on the road to Aberdeen by 7:30. We had gotten her one present but thought maybe we should get a Santa present but Walmart was closed! I couldn't believe it! I didn't think Super Walmart ever closed! Good thing Grandma had one! So we went to David and Carmen's and Mom and Dad, Kara and Brianna were there. Murphy got some good holding time in. She (or I) opened more presents and then we went home around 10:00. Christmas morning she slept a little later than we did so we ate breakfast and then she woke up. We opened presents and had to get a move on before everyone got there. When the kids got there, they went upstairs to see her (and when I say "kids" I'm talking in their 20's). Plus Karyl and Jeremy. Lo and behold she "woke up" when Jeremy picked her up! :) So she didn't have a very long nap in the morning. We ate at 1:00 and she got passed around quite a bit. She went down for another nap and some friends of ours came out to see her so I went to get her and woke her up again. There went the afternoon nap. My nephews and niece got a Wii so we played golf, bowling, baseball, and boxing. It was really fun. So if anyone would like to get rid of one, we'd take it off your hands. :) We got home much later than planned (again!) and she went right to bed.
Thursday was Mom's birthday so Murphy celebrated by eating sweet potatoes! She really didn't care for them but since she likes food so much she took one for the team and ate them anyway. I don't know if that was the problem or not but she was not herself all of that day and the next. We went to the basketball game that night and she fussed and spit up and just didn't feel good. Same thing on Friday. We went to Aberdeen to David and Carmen's again since Katie and John were home and I think she had more attention focused on her so she wasn't as grumpy! :) She even made a grab for Katie's wine glass! It was pretty cute.
Yesterday we went back to Aberdeen in the afternoon to see the boys basketball team. We went out to eat with some friends from Highmore and went to Target and Walmart. I don't know why but ever since we brought Murphy home, one store just isn't enough. We have to hit both.
I'm going back to work tomorrow. I'm not ready to start getting up before 6:00. But I will like getting off at 4:00 so I'll stick with my hours.
A few notes about Murphy...she is really changing. She has noticed her hands and stares at them intently. She has also figured out there are toys on her exersaucer and she really likes them. I don't think she is very ticklish but lately when I tickle her she laughs really big. Really big for her is quietly but mouth open wide. So I don't know if it's just funny or what. She doesn't fight getting dressed or going to sleep as much. But she still hates her nose being wiped. She also wants to sit up all the time, although she still can't do it on her own. She does want to stand all the time. We thank the exersaucer for that. She is starting to play with her toys instead of just holding them. And she likes it when they make noise at her. I think she's getting more hair and she's definitely getting a bigger belly. She still isn't shy and will go to anyone. She also really likes long hair. I gave her a finger of mashed potatoes at David and Carmen's the other night and she really didn't like them. I'm sort of waiting until we go to the doctor on the 16th before feeding her a lot of food. I did buy some fruit and am going to attempt my own baby food. I don't always stick with things well so people are taking bets on how long this will last!
So there is your blogger fix. I'll try not to get this far behind again. Once I start working again life will get into a routine and I hope to be better about posting. Plus, our Christmas cards are still coming. I have the letter done but don't have the cards back yet. And I know the pictures are what everyone wants to see!
Have a great New Years!