Cecilia called and we are going to the Defendor of Minors at 1:30. I was hoping for an early appointment so they didn't get behind schedule and have to wait but we'll take what we can get. We'll just have to take stuff for Murphy to do in case we wait for a while.
Also, I lent out our camera cord to connect to the Internet so I haven't been able to update pictures. I will do that as soon as our friends are done uploading all of theirs. They've been here three weeks and forgot their cord.
Jack slept from 8 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. last night!! Yay for us! :)
Emily says he is "adorable" and she can't wait to hold him!!! Hope Murphy can share!! She loved looking at the photos... stated that you have a "cow" blanket?? she saw it looks like a gateway blanket on one of the photos!!
he is cute I can not wait to hold him!
give a hug to him I can not wait to see him!!!
lOVE emily and carter!!!
Anxious to hear about the defenders ..Love the photos!!
YEAH!!! Sounds like you got a little more sleep! Hope he keeps it up for you so you guys don't get sick... Love you!
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