Anival was here at 9:00 and we left for the embassy. Henry was also here at the same time and took Mom and Dad to Bolivar Square and the Gold Museum. I think they had a really good time. When we got to the embassy I waited while Anival checked us in. He thought it would be about 20 minutes. 40 minutes later I was called up. In this 40 minutes, Murphy screamed bloody murder. She was tired and there was a lot of noise so she couldn't sleep. It was very nice having everyone in the area stare at you. Like they weren't staring to begin with. I went to the desk and she asked for lots of documents. Then I went to the next window to pay $380 and there was no cashier. So I waited while and he finally showed up. Then they called my name again to be interviewed. She asked if everything on the forms were true as to my knowledge. I said yes. Then she asked me about Murphy's medical condition. I explained it and she said "OK, you're approved. Come back tomorrow to pick it up." This all took three hours. It went fast but a crying baby didn't help.
I got back to the motel and Mom and Dad weren't back yet. We ate sandwiches for dinner. That's our typical fare. Cheese sandwich and chips. When Mom & Dad got back we went to the emerald dealer, Freddy's, then Megan, Mom & I went to the Harley store (notice bags in hand).
Then to the Hard Rock Cafe. Then home. We packed the two suitcases for Dad to take tomorrow and took some pictures of the babies. It's so fun being here with the people we are. There is a woman here from St. Louis now. And Isabelle the French woman, plus Megan, Juel, and the kids. We all just get along well and enjoy doing things together. It's nice.
We all went to Azzuros for supper tonight for Dad's last day here.
His pink eye is looking better. He'll leave the motel at 5:30 tomorrow morning so it will be early for all of us. Then Mom moves in with us for two days. We'll be ready to go home. I'm a little worried about Murphy's temperment on the plane. I don't think even Mom believed me until she got here. Everyone may just clear out around us and give us the whole row (which is what we're hoping for!).
Tomorrow we might walk to the park. Mom and I need to hit up Maku again. We do have three suitcases to fill afterall.
Carmen, we will borrow the camera on Sunday night if you don't mind. If you can download the videos and email it to me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
OK, have a great night!!
I think she was crying because I wasn't there. I know she misses me. Thanks for posting pictures for me. Only three more days!!!!!!!
Beautiful picture of Murphy with grandma and grandpa! They are so lucky to have already held her. I can't wait! We saw her bedroom today and it looks SO nice. The house is ready and waiting for the two of you to come home. I hung her new coat out for Rob to take along.(She will need it, we got a little snow today and are supposed to get more on Saturday and then it should be clear on Sunday. We will see you then.
Love, Grandma Lewis.
Well you can say you have had your 1st "public" display of a temper tantrum as a MOM! WELCOME TO MOTHERHOOD!!! I love the picture of G & G with Murphy.
Just wait until she's four and can scream and kick a lot louder and stronger. Matthew had a nice display at the vermillion post office on Tuesday while we were trying to mail a package to his oldest brother. I even put him in his carseat and let him scream it out. Then we tried it again, Same thing- in fact the guy behind the desk said (he knows us from getting Matthew's passport) "At least he'll start school next year and you'll have a break."To which I replied "No, he doesn't turn five until october"
Oh and an older lady at Pamida told him " You are a very naughy boy"
Hopefully this phase moves on fast. Can't wait to see that you guys are home.
If she seems restless try giving her some Baby Tylenol or Baby Motrin before the flight, it might help. What a cutie!!
That temperment thing.......does she take after her mother :-) ??
Hey - have a safe trip home. It will be so nice for the three of you to get into a normal routine and for Murphy to enjoy her new home!
Take Care, Donna
The Harley store?!? Gosh, presents for all there Dana...can I place my order? LOL See you soon and looking forward to it at that! Have a safe flight.~Spook
How exciting!
Sunday will not come soon enough. I can't wait to see that little girl. I'm sure she will be shocked by the snow and cold weather. Hope you have a safe flight. See you soon.
Jamie and the Js
Hey there! You will be so HAPPY to be home..I am quite sure of that. I bet you (as I do) will miss all of the nwe friends but really "there is no place like home." I know Sam sleeps so much more sound and is totally content. Your family as wll as mine truly has the BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER!!!! Take care!
Patty, Arne and Sammy
Hello Murphy and family! I thought of you when I saw this in the STrib: Now you're proof of happy South Dakotans! On this end, it sure seems like you haven't been there long, but I can imagine how anxious you are to be home. Safe travels! Sara, Eric & Nils
Rob and Dana -
We are anxiously awaiting some pictures from home.!!!
Grandma Sandy said she came over and played with Murphy yesterday. I am pretty sure they both enjoyed every minute of it. We saw some pictres from the airport. She was looking very cute. Wish I could have been there, and yes my bum still hurts. Can't wait to hear how she is adjusting at home. Hope to see you soon.! Give Murphy kisses!!
Jamie and the J's
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