Well, by the time any of you read this, we will be months into the adoption process. We aren't ready to share our news yet, but at some time we will. And when that happens, we want you to be able to look back at everything we've done.
Rob and I started the adoption process on July 30, 2006 when we attended our first Lutheran Social Services informational meeting in Fort Pierre. We went in not knowing if we wanted to do this FOR SURE. We came out knowing we wanted to do this FOR SURE! After the meeting, we called LSS to register for their two day workshop to be held October 12 & 13, 2006 in Pierre. They sent us lots of paperwork, which we have been busy filling in. Knowing Rob's competitive nature, I think he wanted to be sure he was done before me! He was, which I was actually quite surprised about. I thought I'd have to get after him to get his stuff done. We aren't done yet; we still have to do the fingerprinting, background checks, medical checkup, autobiography...and that's only what they've sent us at this time. The list will grow, I'm afraid. That's OK. In regard to where it will lead us, it's nothing to fill in some forms.
We've decided to adopt from Colombia since domestic adoptions have a huge risk that a birth mother would change her mind. We know that there are things that can happen with an international adoption, but we don't want to invest our hearts into a child and then have that taken away. The process can take around a year, but we've said that we would be open to adopting twins or a sibling set, as long as one of the children is an infant. That could shorten the process. At this point, we really don't know what we're doing. We do know that Dana has become addicted to researching Colombian adoptions on the Internet! What better way to pass the time! :) Since we are just barely into the process, we don't expect to travel to meet our child until this time of year in 2007. Once we get a referral, we will travel within ten - 14 days and receive our child the next day. We will have to stay in Colombia to complete the adoption process for up to eight weeks. My poor kitties! Well Bob, really. She doesn't do well with change or without me. I'm not sure how we're going to handle that part. Billy will miss us, but will lick the hand of anyone who gives him treats.
We're excited for the meeting on the 12th & 13th. Hopefully we'll know more then.
Ta Ta for now.
Rob & Dana
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